F P & L Power Outages:
December 2004
Randy has stated that F P & L advised him that they continue to troubleshoot our problem and have replaced every
insulator in the Airpark, as well as a switch on CR#609. He remains in contact with the regional manager and vice
president of F P & L. Any property owner is encouraged to contact F P & L at 1-800-361-5162 x7 to note their
August 2004
Our past president, Randy Opat, has been successful in contacting the Florida Public Service Commission in Tallahassee
to open a case in regards to the numerous power outages we have been experiencing. Vince Brocklebank, past treasurer,
has logged his case with the PSC as well. All property owners experiencing outages are encouraged to contact the PSC
in Tallahassee to file a case.
Mining Educational Presentation:
June 29, 2004 6pm-8pm
Location: BOCC Chambers, 2300 Virginia Avenue, 3rd Floor
The Board of County Commissioners & the Planning & Zoning Board will meet for an educational presentation as
it relates to mining in Saint Luice County. The public is invited to observe the presentation.
Florida Rock Industries Petition to Saint Lucie County
April 6, 2004
A public hearing was conducted in front of the SLC Commissioners on Tuesday evening, April 6, 2004. All five commissioners
were present, and heard testimony from various property owners, and an attorney. All testimony given that evening opposed
the extension of Florida Rock's request to extend the crushing hours at the North pit from 4am-12am.
The county engineer advised the commissioners that no complaints had been received in their office since 2002 with regard
to the mining operations at the Ft. Pierce Quarry. The engineer further advised that this Quarry is the only one in Saint
Lucie County that still mines rock with blasting operations. Commissioner Doug Coward questioned why. Mr. Ken Smith, plant
manager of the Quarry stated the rock was more difficult to mine without the use of blasting.
After five of our residents spoke against the extension, along with Sarah Wortham of Cornett, Googe, and Associates,
Commissioner Barnes stated that Florida Rock had offered to revise their petition. The revision came about as a result
of a question and answer session set up by one of our residents to relay to Florida Rock our concerns about the mining operations
and how it affected our quality of life in the Airpark.
A motion by Mr. Barnes was entered into the record:
1. Modify the permit for the next six months with crushing hours from 5am-9pm on Mon, Tue, and Wed; 6am-6pm on Thr and
Fri; and 6am-3pm on Sat for a trial basis, with a monitor of noise complaints.
2. Crushing device will be below grade level.
3. Florida Rock will post signs and advise trucking companies not to test their braking capabilities near the Airpark,
and thus avoid excessive noises.
4. Monitor dust generated from the mine.
5. Convert diesel generators/motors to electric to lessen noise.
6. All other components of the permit will remain the same.
The permit for the north pit will expire on October 1, 2004.
Anyone with objections to the mining activities should contact the
County's engineering department, Mr. Michael Harvey: 772-462-1717 or e-mail:
harveym@stlucieco.gov or mail: Saint Lucie County, Division of Engineering, Room 229, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982. Objections
may be voiced for: blasting, hours of operation, noise levels, dust, trucking activity, road conditions, or any comment relating
to the operating of the mining activities.
Florida Rock will call anyone desiring to know the next blasting schedule. Call: 772-461-8052, identify yourself as a
resident, and asked to be placed on their call list.
The above information is a recall of the information presented, and is not warranted as factual. Please contact the appropriate
persons for clarification.