Florida Rock Industries continues to mine in both the north plant and south plant, which is adjacent to our Airpark.
Property owners wishing to voice their concerns about any of the operations must do so by contacting Saint Lucie County's
Engineering department and/or the County Commissioners by phone or fax. All complaints/concerns are logged. See
end of this section for appropriate numbers.
Our neighbor to the south and west Florida Rock has petitioned the St. Lucie County Commission to amend its operating
permit to allow it to crush rock from 4:00 A.M. until 12:00 A.M.
We need everyone to attend a public meeting on April 6, 2004 at 6:00 P.M. to oppose the petition. At a minimum if you
can't attend sign the petition and write a letter to the commission. Their address is 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, Florida
34982, Fax number is (772) 462-2131.
Subject: RE: Property Values In Jeopardy!
Unfortunately, I will be out of town Friday through Saturday evening. However, I can report that after an extensive
discussion with Michael Powley (County Engineer) this morning, our concerns are well founded.
The information we all received in the mail was somewhat misleading as it spoke of the entrance to the mine off of Glades
Cut Off Road (which is true). However, what we all need to understand is that the mine property runs continuously
Southward from Glade Cut Off Road down to the South entrance of the Ft. Pierce Quarry which is adjacent to Treasure Coast
(entrance on Range Line Road).What the mine operators have petitioned for is an exception (revision) to their current permit
to crush rock at the same hours that they are permitted to drag-line rock, which is currently 0400-2400. Apparently,
when they first requested their permits (almost 20 years ago) the hours of drag-lining was 20 hours/day and rock crushing
was and is currently 12 hours/day. Hence, the petition to increase crushing time to coincide with drag-line times of operation.
What needs to be understood by all our neighbors is that this operation is mobile, it is somewhat larger than a semi-trailer
and can be located anywhere the rock is being excavated (wherever the operator wishes to dig!). If approved, this additional
operation will clearly will have a negative impact on our community and the quality of life we all cherish, not to mention
the sleep depravation and associated problems with a 20 hour/day mining operation.
Our neighbors need to know and take a stand against this! If we are fortunate enough to convince the County to deny this
petition, we still face future petitions from Ft. Pierce Quarry, as their original 20 year permit will expire 1 October 2004.
At that time (or sooner) they will petition for a new permit which undoubtedly will have far reaching hours of operation.
This is serious!!! Please pass to as many of our neighbors as you can we are almost out of time! The meeting is this coming
Tuesday evening.
Thank you! Geoff 4/1/2004.
Letter from Vincent
Brocklebank to the County Commission
Thursday, April 01,
Board of County
St. Lucie County,
2300 Virginia
Ft. Pierce, Florida 34983
Dear Commissioners:
My purpose in writing
is to speak against the petition by Florida Rock Industries, Inc to extend their rock crushing hours of operation from 6:00
A.M. 6:00 P.M. to 4:00 A.M. 12:00 A.M.
I received a notice of the petition from Mr. Michael Powley, County Engineer dated March 4, 2004.
Please read my
comments into the record as I will not be present at the scheduled meeting of April 6, 2004, due to my work schedule.
I live in a residential
community of 100 lots about 200 yards east of the area described in the mining permit. In addition the entrance road into
the mining area off of S.R. 609 is about 100 yards from my property.
Every morning at
6:00 A.M., sometimes before, the noise from the mining operation starts. Depending on the wind direction and temperature the
noise can be intolerable. The county engineer can explain to the Board how they effect noise transmission. I live in a well insulated house with thermo pane insulated windows and I can hear the noise.
My other concern
is S.R. 609 is breaking up due to the number of dump trucks and their weight. The
road does not appear to be designed to carry the load it is being subjected to.
When it rains the
rain does not run off the road but collects in pools along the right hand side of the road in both directions. This pooling causes a hydroplaning danger. Additionally, the trucks drive in excess of the speed limit
causing additional dangers.
My suggestion to
the board is three fold. Number One, have the mining operation buy an additional crusher, whereby they can increase
their capacity without extending the operational hours. Number Two; have
the mining operation place the crushers at a location and elevation where the residential communities around the mine area
can not hear the noise. Number Three; Open an access road from Glades Cutoff Road, decreasing the traffic on S.R. 609.
Thank you for considering
my objections to the increased hours of operation as proposed in their original petition.
Very truly yours
Vincent Brocklebank
From Geoff Kenworthy: 3/25/04. I am amazed at what seems to be a lack of concern regarding the attached announcement
from our County Commissioners (please see attached PDF). In summary, the quarry operations adjacent to Treasure
Coast Airpark have petitioned the County to expand their operations from the present 12 hours/day to 20 hours/day!
If you thought a remote Power Pant could affect property values, what do you think a quarry operation running 20 hours/day
will do? This proposal is beyond unacceptable and we all need to say just that at the public hearing scheduled for
6:00 P.M. on April 6, 2004. Will you be there?
Our quality of life and property values are at stake - please become involved!!!
Unfortunately, this is a short distribution list and it would be most appreciated if you would pass to others
in our community. Thank you.